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Thank you for supporting Moorestown Library. Your donation directly enhances our services and positively impacts our community.

Most of the Library’s funding comes from local property taxes.  Minimum support for Municipal libraries is 1/3 mill (about $33.33 per $100,000) on equalized evaluation (N.J.S.A. 40:54-8).   Additional sources of funding include support from Friends of the Moorestown Library, grants, state aid, library revenue, bequests, and donations from individuals like you!

Tax-deductible donations can be made to The Moorestown Free Library Association (Friends of the Moorestown Library) online, by clicking on the DONATE NOW button or by mailing a check payable to:

The Moorestown Free Library Association
111 West Second Street
Moorestown, NJ 08057

Donate Now

Would you like to donate in honor or memory of a loved one? Include their name in the optional “Write a note” field that appears when a donation amount and method is chosen.

Would you like to participate in activities that benefit the library and receive Friends of the Library perks? Join the Friends of the Moorestown Library
There are also other ways to support the library! Please visit our Get Involved page for more information.