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Home » Library Policies » Internet and Computer Use Policy

Moorestown Library

Internet and Computer Use Policy

The Moorestown Library offers free access to the Internet and other electronic resources as part of its mission to meet the collective informational needs and cultural interests of township residents of all ages. Library cardholders may log on to the computers using their library card number. Guest passes are available at the Adult Services Desk for those who do not have a library card. The library may set time limits for computer use to ensure availability for all patrons. Free access to Wi-Fi is available for all users who bring their own devices to the library. Ask at any public services desk for the password to the Wi-Fi network.

The Library does not monitor, control or endorse any information found on the Internet and is not responsible for its content, thoroughness, timeliness, accuracy or availability. Users are advised to evaluate for themselves the validity of information accessed on the Internet.

Parents or guardians, not the Library or its staff, are responsible for Internet information selected and/or accessed by their children. Parents are advised to supervise their children’s Internet sessions at all times.

Please be advised that the electronic communications and files could become public or may be viewable by other patrons, and therefore confidential information should not be accessed or transmitted using the Library’s Internet or electronic devices.

The Library is not responsible for damage to a removable storage device, mobile devices, or computers, or for any loss of data, damage, or liability that may occur, whether directly, indirectly or consequentially, from use of the Library’s computers, or use of the library Wi-Fi network, including any damage resulting from viruses.

Using Library computers and/or internet access for commercial activities for personal profit is prohibited. Displaying obscenity, pornography, material harmful to minors, and other illegal materials are prohibited when using library computers, or when accessing material via use of the library Wi-Fi network. Tampering with the Library’s computers, network infrastructure, and other illegal activities which violate state and/or federal laws are also prohibited.

Library staff is authorized to terminate a patron’s access to the internet or any electronic devices when a user violates this policy, other related policies, or applicable laws. Violators will lose their Library privileges and may be referred to the appropriate law enforcement agency.

The Library reserves the right to block access to any specific sites which may impair network performance or security.

The Library Director is authorized to promulgate procedures for regulating access to the Internet and other electronic resources.

Adopted by the Library Board of Trustees, March 19, 1997.
Modified September 17, 1997, July 19, 2000, September 29, 2010 and July 26, 2017, and November 15, 2023.